How will I be contacted for the market research?
Our projects usually start with an online survey or phone call so it’s crucial we receive your most up-to-date contact information. We will never use your name or contact information for any other reason and we will never share it outside of Empirico Research for any other means.
How often will I be contacted to participate?
It varies depending on the number of active clients and projects that are underway at Empirico Research. However, the maximum limit to participate in a survey, in a month is 4-5 times (successful participation). You will receive invitations on an ongoing basis for you to participate until this threshold is met.
What types of surveys and market research will I get invited to?
We invite our participants in all kinds of survey topics depending on their profile. Our market research clients span all types of industries, products and services around the globe. The variety of market research we specialize in is reflected in the types of studies you’ll be invited to. This might be an online survey. Or it might be a telephone interview about a recent purchase.
What types of incentives or rewards are offered?
Our online surveys offer raffle giveaways and gift cards to a random selection of participants or to the first set number of respondents. Sometimes our surveys inquire a lot about your interest in future telephone or in-person market research which offer greater individual cash rewards or gift card payouts. Rewards are dependent on each project but can range from $25 to up to $250 (or more) per participant.
For B2B surveys and specifically for senior executives we offer industry reports and respondents have several options to pick from.
In several surveys, we also allow respondents to donate to international charities and donations are made in the name of respondents.
How quickly do I receive my reward after participating?
This is dependent on each project you participate in. Our online and telephone survey rewards are typically paid with Amazon gift cards, an executive summary of the project or we give you an option to offering the reward to a charity of your choice. This may vary from project-to-project.
Why should I offer feedback or opinion through this market research panel?
At Empirico Research we believe in centering organizational decisions around customer data. We fully embrace this and we recommend this to all of our clients to create a well-aligned strategy driven by customer needs and wants. Your feedback helps drive and improve the customer experience (CX), to the clients we serve, and to the local community as well.
I signed up but why haven’t I been contacted?
Don’t worry, one of our panel executive will be in touch soon. Each of our market research projects is unique. Sometimes we only target specific types of panel members or specific geographies. At some points during the year we have more active projects than other times of the year. Sit tight and buckle up!